Y12 EXAM - MEDIA PAPER 1: LEARNER RESPONSE 1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). WWW -You have a natural ability to consider the contexts of CSP's with examples EBI - Naturally, quite difficult to pick out but some more examples of CSP's (Q2 + Q6) would improve your mark and learn some key theories . 2) Read the mark scheme for this exam carefully , paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. This is some of the best analysis you can do as it gives you an idea of what the exam board is expecting. For your LR blogpost, identify ONE point you could have added for the first three questions in Section A: Q1 (unseen text) additional point/theory: The background to the image makes clear link to Switzerland which carries a longstanding reputation for high-quality watches and clocks. The lake and mountain setting adds to the sense of class, wealth and success ...