Task One: Media Magazine article and questions Read the Media Magazine article: From Local Press to National Regulator in MM56 (p55). You'll find the article in our Media Magazine archive here . Once you've read the article, answer the following questions: 1) Keith Perch used to edit the Leicester Mercury . How many staff did it have at its peak and where does Perch see the paper in 10 years' time? 130 journalists in ten years. He thinks that if it is still in print, it will be weekly, extremely expensive and have a very small circulation. If it's online, it will be unlikely to make money and so would employ on five or six. 2) How does Perch view the phone hacking scandal? Perch thinks that the biggest single issue is that something illegal was going on, which obviously should not have been, and which wasn’t dealt with by the police, and unfortunately the resulting actions have been disproportionate. Far too many newspapers and magazines have been caught up in a...