reception theory


 1) What are the preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings for the RBK 50 Cent advert?
preferred: the creator intends to portray that we should live life to the fullest as the next day is not promised and that you should take advantage of it while you can.

negotiated: people may believe that 50 cent is a bad influence due to his appearance and being part of gang however 50 cent's fan may think his appearance should not impact a person ability in purchasing an item and that he is proud of what he has became.

oppositional: people might think that his advertisement is encouraging gang activities as the poster connotes messages of criminality for examples the fingerprint and scar.

 1) What are the preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings for this picture?

preferred:the creator intends to portray that we can become whatever we want if you work hard for it.

negotiated:people may believe that this isn't what FBI really do and that they actually don't  get along that much as they may have disagreement.

oppositional: people might think that them having guns can be terrifying and seeing criminals stealing,setting other people on fire,murdering little kids etc.

1) Complete Activity 1 on page 2 of the factsheet. Choose a media text you have enjoyed and apply the sender-message-channel-receiver model to the text. There is an example of how to do this in the factsheet (the freediving YouTube video).

watching TV-this is because the news presenter is the source of the news and they convey the message to the audience. The news is the message, the TV is the channel, and the audience and the receivers of the message.

2) What are the definitions of 'encoding' and 'decoding'?
encoding is constructing a message using a shared
code and language.
decoding is the receiver.

3) Why did Stuart Hall criticise the sender-message-channel-receiver model?
lack of structured conception of various moments 

4) What was Hall's circuit of communication model?

Hall proposed instead a model which was non-linear – in
other words, the different ‘moments’ in the process (Hall’s
term for each aspect of the model, which he called a circuit
of communication) could feed back into each other.

5) What does the factsheet say about Hall's Reception theory?

It’s a way of exploring connections and
relationships in the decoding process, the ‘non-linear’ processes
between the construction of representations and audience
interpretations of them.

6) Look at the final page. How does it suggest Reception theory could be criticised?

Hall’s work is politically inclined to seek out evidence that
popular culture has a role in reinforcing cultural hegemony,
a shared agreement of values that helps preserve class


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