audience theory

  Hypodermic needle model

1) Read this Mail Online article about the effects of videogames. How does this article link to the hypodermic needle model?

This article is saying that playing violent video games have a positive correlation to the amount of aggression we portray. It also shows how it is dangerous because of the video-games as is influencing the audience to behave in a certain way.

2) How does coverage of the Talk Talk hacking case (see Daily Mail front page below) link to the hypodermic needle model? Why might someone criticise this front page? 

It links to the hypodermic needle model as it is saying that because the boy had been playing violent video games for a long amount of time, it had influenced his behaviour and caused him to do bad things. Someone might criticise this front page as they may believe his behaviour would be because of the violent video games when however it does not have to be the games itself but something else that could be because of upbringing and surrounding environment.

3) What do you think of the hypodermic needle theory? Do audiences believe everything they see in the media?

I think the hypodermic needle theory is partially true. This is because of social media. Some young people may see fake things on the internet and believe that they have to look that certain way when in reality, their looks are fake due to plastic surgery , exaggerated editing such as filters etc. This shows how people can be brainwashed by the media and  therefore leading to severe problems for example, mental health and suicidal etc.

Two-step flow model

1) Summarise the two-step flow model. What is an opinion leader?

The two-step flow model suggests media opinion leaders influence audience reactions, showing the importance of social elements  in media's influence over people's opinion. 

2) How do influencers like Zendaya fit into the two-step flow model? 

Zendaya is a  celebrity who makes opinions on specific media content. She has an extremely large following on social media which should further encourage her audience to listen to her, as many others also do.

3) In your opinion, is the two-step flow theory still relevant today?

I believe it is still relevant today as on social media many people are social leaders meaning more people are following social leaders and believing whatever they say such as Martin Luther king.

Uses and Gratifications theory

1) For each of the four categories, write about one media text (e.g. film, TV programme, newspaper etc.) that fits that particular audience use or pleasure. Make sure you explain WHY it fits the category and use images or clips to illustrate your points. The first one is done for you.

Diversion: Film - Blinded By The Light. Entertaining and offering escapism for fans of Bruce Springsteen or anyone that enjoys coming of age films or culture-clash comedies.
Personal Relationships: TV Text - Modern family. It is an enjoyable programme that has characters which are funny.
Personal Identity: Dumping ground it follows the lives of foster kids in which we can identify with.
Surveillance: daily mail . A magazine in which informs us about what is happening in the world.

Dependency theory

1) Do you agree that audiences have become dependent on the media? What evidence or examples can you provide to support your view?

Yes, people have become more dependent on social media due to the fact that technology grows more popular in this world. For example TikTok.

2) How has the growth of new and digital technology in the last 15 years changed people's dependency on the media? Is this a new problem?

Yes, this is because technology just firstly started to advance 15 years ago and it has grown immensely. This is a new problem as more people are becoming dependent on technology as they are relying their lives on it.

3) Reflecting on your own media use, how does your media consumption impact on your emotions? Does the media have an overall positive or negative impact on your health and wellbeing? Why?

My media consumption does not really impact my emotions as I am able to identify between what’s the right things and the wrong things. Therefore, I am able to stop myself from becoming influenced.


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