Industries: Ownership and control blog tasks

 Media conglomerate research

1) Type up your research notes from the lesson - what did you find out about your allocated media conglomerate? Selection of companies: Alphabet, The Walt Disney Company, National Amusements, Meta, News Corp, Time Warner, Comcast. If you were absent or didn't have time in the lesson to make these notes, research any one of the companies above and find examples of all the terminology outlined in the notes at the start of this blogpost.

2) Do you agree that governments should prevent media conglomerates from becoming too dominant? Write an argument that looks at both sides of this debate.

I agree because nowadays, more businesses are gaining more power than that of the government and are able to go against them but i disagree the government have evidently shown that they don't care how big a company gets until it's a problem for them.

Media Magazine reading and questions

Media Magazine 52 has a good feature on the changing relationship between audiences and institutions in the digital age. Go to our Media Magazine archive, click on MM52 and scroll to page 9 to read the article 'Two Key Concepts: The Relationship Between Audience and Institution'.

1) Briefly describe the production, promotion and distribution process for media companies.

The production process provides audiences with the media product they want. It needs to consider the audience’s desires and should provide the gratifications the audience expects.
The promotion process researches and identifies the target audience for the product and uses advertising and marketing strategies to inform and persuade them of the value of the media product.
The distribution process uses the most appropriate methods for getting the product to the audience and making it as easy as possible for them to access it.

2) What are the different funding models for media institutions?

The BBC is funded by a licence fee and has a Public Service Remit; ITV relies on income generated by advertisers. Sky One generates their income from subscribers and invests in programming that attracts loyal audiences who are more likely to invest in a long-term subscription.

3) The article gives a lot of examples of major media brands and companies. Choose three examples from the article and summarise what the writer is saying about each of them. 

 Disney focuses on children's entertainment through their animation. Disney has merchandising and has attractions like Disneyland. Marvel is associated with the superhero genre and is built from their original comic books. Marvel's superhero films can contain violence, but they also reinforce mainstream values and the need to protect the weak. 

4) What examples are provided of the new business models media companies have had to adopt due to changes in technology and distribution?

.The movie industry has invested loads of money into as a way to expand in the cinema. Online newspapers now need people to pay for subscriptions in order to view their content. The music industry generates more hits through sponsorships and features

5) Re-read the section on 'The Future'. What examples are discussed of technology companies becoming major media institutions?

Companies such as Amazon, Facebook, Google and Yahoo have now become major media institutions as Google owns YouTube, Amazon, Netflix etc. are now expanding in order to create a profit, i.e. Google made Stadia, a cloud gaming service in order to optimise gameplay for those who don't have high spec PC's or consoles.

6) Do you agree with the view that traditional media institutions are struggling to survive?

I do agree that traditional media institutions are struggling to survive as most audiences are rejecting traditional TV programming, newspapers and cinemas and are more interested in on demand, streaming platforms, online news websites and in order to make profit they need to adapt to these digital changes. 

7) How might diversification or vertical integration help companies to survive and thrive in a rapidly changing media landscape? 

Diversification can help out a company thrive in a rapidly changing media landscape as if a film is only being shown in cinemas, they are less likely to make a profit but if they were to also stream on other platforms like Netflix, they would be able to gain more coverage and maximise profit.

8) How do YOU see the relationship between audience and institution in the future? Will audiences gain increasing power or will the major global media conglomerates maintain their control?

 I believe that in the future audiences are gaining an increase in power over as the audience is needed in order for the media companies to make a profit. For example, if a business makes a product and it's not liked my the audience, there will be a lack of hits will be made and as a result, there will be no profit


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