learner response- MIGRAIN assessment

 WWW: you are writing a lot for each question so now we need to develop our exam technique and question focus in order to pick up the marks.

EBI: revise narrative and genre theory: this knowledge is essential for the higher levels. 

-question focus: see mark scheme for more on this.

Question 1: Satisfactory analysis of the product that engages with generally obvious or straightforward aspects of how narrative codes are used.

Question 2: Good knowledge and understanding of the influences of the social and cultural contexts on media products that is usually supported by mostly appropriate and effective reference to the set products.

Questions 3: An excellent knowledge and understanding of the influences of genre on media audiences and industries that is consistently supported by highly appropriate and effective examples.

3: I should revise for the theory that is based on the question to get more marks.

4: in question 1 i could have include narrative theory such as todorov,prop etc to get more mark. And in question 3 I could also have include genre theory.

5: my weakness question is question 1. 3 things I can improve next time is …

  • Consistent highly appropriate use of subject specific terminology throughout. 
  • Good use of the theoretical framework (media language & narrative theory) to analyse how poster uses narrative codes.
  • Satisfactory analysis of the product that engages with generally obvious or straightforward aspects of how narrative codes are used.


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