Narrative: blog task

 Read Media Factsheet 14 - Telling Stories: The Media's Use of Narrative and answer the following questions:

1) Give an example from film or television that uses Todorov's narrative structure of equilibrium, disequilibrium and new equilibrium. 

The example I have chosen to use is a television called Vampires diares. The equilibrium is where the characters are introduced and living their lives. The disequilibrium is where the vampires are introduced (Demogorgon's) which causes a problem. The complication is where the damon kills one of the characters we were familiar with. However, then the new equilibrium is where the protagonist kills damon making sure they don't exist again which restores the harmony (although the  characters were upset).  

2) Complete the activity on page 1 of the Factsheet: find a clip on YouTube of the opening of a new TV drama series (season 1, episode 1). Embed the clip in your blog and write an analysis of the narrative markers that help establish setting, character and plot.

victorious episode 1

3) Provide three different examples from film or television of characters that fit Propp's hero character role.

1) Charlies Angles
2) how to get away from murder.
3) The Vampire Diaries

4) Give an example of a binary opposition.
 good vs evil.

5) What example is provided in the Factsheet for the way narratives can emphasise dominant ideologies and values?

The winner often represents the dominant ideas and values of our culture. When the policeman captures the criminal in a crime drama–the ideology of the value of law and order is emphasised. When the girl wins the heart of the guy in a romantic comedy the values of heterosexual relationships and monogamy are reinforced. In conventional texts crime doesn’t usually pay and the guy most often gets the girl.

6) Why do enigma and action codes (Barthes) offer gratifications for audiences?

Enigma codes control how much we know and help hold our interest. It creates mystery during the narrativeThis creates  gratification for audiences as we wonder what will happen next. The action codes create gratification as it makes the audience wonder if the action is going to portray the next sequence.

7) Write a one-sentence summary of the four different types of TV narrative:
  • Episodic narrative (the series) -  These are fictions which have many parts but where the narrative  arc is usually resolved at the end.
  • Overarching narrative (the serial) - The serial uses the conventional narrative over a number of episodes and the resolution is usually at the end of the serial.  
  • Mixed narrative-  This is where some texts contain both structures. Sometimes you can watch different episodes in any order. However other times you have to watch it in a particular order to understand what is going on.
  • Multi-strand overlapping narrative (soap narrative) - These have a continuous narrative and they tell a number of different stories at the same time. Sometimes called an open narrative as there is no final resolution for the text
8) How does the Factsheet suggest adverts use narrative? 
It suggests that adverts must contain the exposition and the resolution in order to be good. For example, the exposition is that the clothes will get dirty and the resolution is the Persil cleaning powder. 


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