Public service broadcasting: blog tasks

 In 2020 Ofcom published its findings from a five year review of public service broadcasting in Britain. Read the introduction to their report - pages 3-7. You'll need your Greenford Google login to view the document.

1) Look at page 3. Why is it a critical time for public service broadcasting? 

It's a critical time for public service broadcasting because of the rise of digital platforms and changing audience habits. 

2) Read page 4. How has TV viewing changed in recent years? 

TV viewing has changed quite a bit as People now often stream shows on demand, binge-watch series, and use multiple screens at once. Traditional TV is less dominant, but it's still a big part of people's lives.

3) Still on page 4, what aspects of PSB do audiences value and enjoy? 

Audiences value and enjoy several aspects of Public Service Broadcasting (PSB). They appreciate the high-quality content, the focus on education and information, and the commitment to represent diverse voices and perspectives. Plus, PSB often provides coverage of local and national events, which many find important. It's a unique blend of entertainment and public service.

4) Look at pages 4-5. Find and note down the statistics in this section on how much TV audiences tend to watch and how they watch it.

TV watching habits can vary a lot On average, people might watch a few hours of TV a day. How they watch it has changed - many people now stream shows on their own schedule, and they might watch on different devices like their phone, laptop, or a smart TV. It's a mix of traditional TV viewing and newer, more flexible ways of watching.

5) Read the section on page 5 discussing the importance of PSB. Again, find the statistics and explain the value of public service broadcasting in Britain.

Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) in Britain is super important as It provides unbiased news, educational content, and represents diverse voices. It's also a big supporter of the UK's creative industries. Basically, it's a key part of British culture and society.

6) Look at the section on commercial challenges. How have revenues fallen for PSB channels?

Revenues for PSB channels might have fallen due to several factors. One big reason could be the rise of streaming services, which has led to a shift in advertising spend. Also, more people are watching content on-demand, which could affect traditional broadcasting revenues. But remember, I can't access real-time data or specific figures.

7) Read page 6. What services increasingly play a role in our media lives in the digital age? 

In the digital age, streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ have become super popular. Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook also play a big role. And don't forget about YouTube and podcasts! They're all changing the way we consume media.

Goldsmiths report on Public Service TV

Read this report from Goldsmiths University - A future for public service television: content and platforms in a digital world.

1) What does the report state has changed in the UK television market in the last 20 years?

The rise of digital platforms and streaming services, the shift from traditional broadcasting to on-demand viewing, and changes in advertising revenues are some of the big ones.

2) Look at page 4. What are the principles that the report suggests need to be embedded in regulation of public service broadcasting in future?

 principles commonly suggested for future PSB regulation often include ensuring diversity, representation, quality content, and impartiality. It's also important to adapt to changes in technology and viewing habits.

3) What does the report say about the BBC?

Well generally speaking, reports often discuss the BBC's role as a leading public service broadcaster, its funding model, and its adaptation to digital changes.

4) According to the report, how should the BBC be funded in future?

 BBC's future funding often involve ideas like license fee changes, government funding, or even subscription models.

5) What does the report say about Channel 4?

 Generally, reports might discuss Channel 4's role as a public service broadcaster, its funding model, or its programming.

6) How should Channel 4 operate in future?

discussions on Channel 4's future operation often involve adapting to digital changes, diversifying content, and ensuring financial sustainability.

7) Look at page 10 - new kids on the block. What does the report say about new digital content providers and their link to public service broadcasting?

reports discuss new digital content providers in terms of competition, collaboration, or how they might contribute to public service broadcasting.

Final questions - YOUR opinion on public service broadcasting

1) Should the BBC retain its position as the UK’s public service broadcaster?

Well Many people have different opinions on this. Some believe the BBC should remain as the UK's public service broadcaster due to its history and reach, while others think there could be room for change.

2) Is there a role for the BBC in the 21st century digital world?

Absolutely, In this digital age, the BBC could play a crucial role in providing quality content, promoting digital literacy, and supporting creative industries. But it's also a complex issue with many different perspectives.

3) Should the BBC funding model (licence fee) change? How?

Some believe the license fee model should change to adapt to the digital age, perhaps with a subscription model or advertising. But it's a complex issue with pros and cons.


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