Learner response blog tasks

 Learner response blog tasks

Create a new blog post called 'Advertising assessment learner response' and complete the following tasks:

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).
WWW: -This is a very solid assessment that just needs a little more in each question for the top level.
EBI: -Q1+2 need a few more points or more depth/discussion of the points you can make.
- Q3 needs specific reference to the CSP to support your points,

2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment.

Q1- Good analysis of the product that is clear and sometimes engages with the
nuanced aspects of how meanings are constructed.
Q2-Excellent knowledge and understanding of the influences of the cultural and
historical contexts on media products that is consistently supported by highly
appropriate and effective reference to the set products.
• Consistent highly appropriate use of subject specific terminology throughout.
Q3-Excellent analysis of the product that is detailed and critically engages with
postcolonial ideas and how they relate to the CSP.
• Analysis of the set product is perceptive, insightful, and informed by a detailed
knowledge and understanding of media language.
• Excellent, astute judgements and conclusions that are consistently well supported
by relevant analysis.

3) Look at your answer and the mark scheme for Question 1 (Diamonds advert unseen text). List three examples of media terminology or theory that you could have included in your answer. 

Snatched, paparazzi style shot – over-exposed subject, celebrity (intertextuality).
• Stereotypical ideals of beauty – slim, twenty-something, white.
• Black tie as a phallic object (Mulvey) – being grabbed by female model.

4) Look at your answer and the mark scheme for Question 2. What aspects of the cultural and historical context for the Score hair cream advert do you need to revise or develop in future?

Representation of women in the Score advert reflects the changing role of women in the
1960s to some extent. This is no longer the stereotypical 1950s housewife but still a
reductive, exploitative, objectified representation of women.
• Representation of gender reinforces Judith Butler’s idea of gender as performance –
dominant/submissive gender roles clearly reinforced in construction of advert.

5) Now look over your mark, comments and the mark scheme for Question 3 - the 9-mark question on Sephora Black Beauty Is Beauty. List any postcolonial terminology you could have added to your answer here.  

‘Othering’ or racial otherness: Paul Gilroy suggests non-white representations are
constructed as a ‘racial other’ in contrast to white Western ideals.
• Racial essentialism: This refers to the linking of a person’s cultural and racial heritage to a
place of national origin. It is also used to suggest that people from a certain heritage are ‘all
the same’ and therefore to make value judgements about people from certain backgrounds.
