Magazine front cover - Learner response

 Magazine front cover - Learner response

Create a new blogpost called 'Magazine cover learner response' and complete the following tasks:

1) Add your finished magazine cover as a JPEG image.

2) Type up your feedback from your teacher. If you've received this by email, you can copy and paste it across - WWW and EBIs. You don't need to include a mark or grade if you don't want to.

WWW: There is a lot to credit with this cover – a strong central image with excellent direct address and use of costume, model placement and body language. Some of the typography looks absolutely right for Vogue magazine and the cover lines generally read convincingly. You’ve also clearly researched the project and conducted some planning tasks too. This is a great starting point before coursework next year!

EBI: There are a few areas we can improve on. Firstly, you are missing the evaluation tasks which are an important part of the project. Go back and add these to your blogpost (it won’t take long but is valuable reflection prior to starting coursework shortly). In terms of the magazine cover itself, there are some page design issues that hold this back from the top levels. The title has quite a lot of dead space above it – generally magazine titles should be top left with just a millimetre or two space around the edges. Similarly, the barcode is far too big and takes up more space than your main cover lines. In terms of the image, I think the background is a little too busy for a Vogue magazine cover – consider using a studio backdrop for your real coursework magazine.

3) Consider your mark against the mark scheme above. What are the strengths of your production based on the the mark scheme? Think about magazine cover conventions and the media language techniques you have used to communicate with your audience (e.g. mise-en-scene, camera shot etc.)

a satisfactory cross-media production that constructs suitable narratives and shows occasional control of connotations but rarely constructs points of view

4) Look at the mark scheme again. What can you do to move your mark higher and, if required, move up a level?

good application of knowledge and understand of media language, demonstrated by frequently appropriate and effective selection and combination of elements to communicate clear meanings throughtout the products.

5) What would be one piece of advice you would give a student about to start the same magazine cover project you have just completed? 

don't rush it and make it realistic.
