Media Paper 1 mock exam - Learner response

 1) Type up any feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

WWW- q1-3 you are in mid-level and if you can hit that throughtout the paper your grades will be considerably higher. Lots of work to do to reach that but that the potential is there.

EBI-20-marks essays have hurt you here. Questions focus, theory and csp knowledge all needed for these extended questions.
-Revise film industry
-Attention to detail:unseen text is an advert. You cant be calling it a magazine in an A-level media exam.

Now read through the genuine AQA mark scheme. This is vital as the paper was an official exam paper and therefore the mark scheme tells us a lot about what AQA are expecting us to produce.

2) Write a question-by-question analysis of your performance. For each question, write how many marks you got from the number available and identify any points that you missed by carefully studying the AQA indicative content in the mark scheme:

 Q1: 3/8 marks
Additional points: didn't mention enough about genre theory e.g. Neale repetition and difference. 
difference- product shot and lack of direct address?close up

Q2: 5/12
additional points: need more question focus and contexts. 
Historical and cultural contexts:
• media products and the representations in them can be seen as a product of
the historical and cultural contexts in which they are created

Q3: 4/9
additional points: need more specific evidence from the video
for the majority of the video, the band members are shown driving aimlessly
(and at times rather recklessly) around the deserted streets of a city,
lip-synching to the song lyrics which reference ideas of political alienation and
despair, eg ‘can’t go on no more’

Q4: 4/20
addiotional points need to focus more on construction of advert itself.
Media Language
• Lévi-Strauss’ ideas and theories on structuralism
Indicative content
Both texts offer plenty of examples of oppositional relationships which are adding
to the ‘performance’ of each text. It is very likely that reference will be made to
some of these:
In relation to Score
• The man provides a focus for a number of oppositions: male-female,
masculine-feminine, clothed-unclothed, dominant-dependent, top-bottom.
• The setting extends this a little by emphasising the natural-artificial,
civilised-wild, controlled-uncontrolled.
In relation to Sephora
• The film itself offers colour-monochrome, moving image-still image,
sound-silence, new stock-archive, past-present.

Q5.1: 2/3 + Q5.2: 0/3
additional points revise the theory Henry Jenkins

Q6: 4/9
additional points revise for Blinded By The Light
the UK theatrical film trailer took up costly advertising slots in cinemas and on
terrestrial TV, and focussed heavily on the nostalgic elements of the film (80s
soundtrack and mise en scène styling) to grab the audience’s attention

Q7: 3/20
addiotional points timing and revise for news beats and War of the worlds
Newsbeat’s target audience of ‘digital natives’ is encouraged to interact with
stories and contributors using social media platforms such as Twitter and
The War of the Worlds
• This seems a very different kind of relationship with an audience more vaguely

3) Look at Question 4 - a 20-mark essay evaluating Levi-Strauss's binary opposition theory. Write an essay plan for this question using the indicative content in the mark scheme and with enough content to meet the criteria for Level 4 (top level). This will be somewhere between 3-4 well-developed paragraphs plus an introduction answering the question planned in some detail.

Intro-  Lévi-Strauss’ ideas and theories on structuralism
Para1- Binary oppositions (lack of them) in csp.
Score- pretty valid, 1960s a more binary world + score advert uses these binary oppositions to communicate message.

Para2- quite valid- Sephora
Elements of binary oppositions- black/white but overall reflects a less binary world.

Conclusions- summarise arguement + answer the Q- Levi is less/ quite valid.

4) Based on the whole of your Paper 1 learner response, plan FIVE topics / concepts / CSPs / theories that you will prioritise in your summer exam Media revision timetable.

CSPs- Sephora, Score, Ghost towns, Blinded by the light, News beats, The War of the worlds
Theories- Neole, Levi-Strauss, Jenkins, 
Topics - all of them.


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